英联赛杯数百球迷德比斗殴血溅伦敦西汉骚乱中晋级 English League Cup derby brawl Assault on Hundreds of fans rioting in London cut the Western Han Dynasty
(伦敦26日综合电)08/09赛季英格兰联赛杯资格赛第二轮周三凌晨上演多场比赛,其中西汉与同城宿敌米尔华的比赛引发悲剧,一球迷胸部遭到刀捅。 (London 26, Reuters) 08/09 season, League Cup second round qualifying matches Wednesday morning multi-staged, in which the Western Han Dynasty and city rival Mill China triggered the tragedy of the game, a fan was stabbed chest. 在这场火药味十足的比赛中,客队米尔华首先在第26分钟打破僵局,主场作战的西汉第87分钟扳平比分,随后在加时赛以3比1淘汰对手。 A fiery speech in this game, the visiting team the first Chinese mill to break the deadlock in the first 26 minutes, playing at home in the Western Han Dynasty the first equalizer 87 minutes later, in overtime three out of more than one opponent.
相对西汉在英超的“春风得意”,同处东伦敦的米尔华目前处于英甲联赛,历史积怨颇深。 Relative Western Han in the Premiership's "too proud", with Mir at East London League One League is now in China, deep historical grievances. 因双方所属联赛不同,这场联赛杯是近4年来首次东伦敦德比战。 Because of the two sides belong in different leagues, this League Cup for the first time in nearly four years, East London derby. 跌宕起伏的比赛激发球迷热血,赛后双方球迷发生激烈冲突,西汉加时赛领先时,甚至有50至60名球迷企图冲进球场,与在场警察发生激烈的搏击。 Ups and downs in the game the fans excited blood Fierce clashes erupted between fans after the match the two sides, the Western Han overtime lead, or even 50 to 60 fans stormed the court attempted, with the presence of police in fierce fighting. 球场外的球迷冲突据悉是早已计划好的一次打斗,一位球迷在冲突中胸部遭刀捅受重伤,数百名球迷将4年积蓄的宿怨全部释放。 The fans outside the stadium has already planned the conflict were known to be a fight, a fan in the conflict had been stabbed in the chest was seriously injured, hundreds of fans will be four years of savings scores were all released.
其实早在比赛进行期间,双方球迷就不断辱骂对方。 In fact, as early as during the race, the two sides have continued to insult the other fans. 比赛焦点不是踢球的球员,而是球迷之间的互相挑衅和辱骂。 The focus of the players are not playing games, but fans of mutual provocations and insults between. 据警方透露,这次球迷冲突是由球场外聚集没有球票的球迷引发,场内的球迷得悉自己的兄弟在外边孤军奋战,于是也开始向对方球迷发起攻击。 According to the police, the fans gathered outside the conflict is by the golf course does not lead to tickets for fans, floor fans learned that his brother went out alone, and it will begin to attack each other's fans.
一位伦敦当地警官表示:“这是一次涉及数百名球迷的大规模骚乱,似乎是有组织、有计划的暴力事件。”大量防暴警察被派往厄普顿公园附近维持秩序,情况一度极混乱。 London, a local police officer, said: "This is a large-scale involving hundreds of fans riot seems to be an organized, planned violence." A large number of riot police were sent to the vicinity of Upton Park, to maintain order, the situation is very confusing once . 一位住在附近的居民向媒体表示:“比赛前已有不少冲突和打斗,很多人都血流满面,我甚至听到酒瓶破碎的声音。” Residents who lived nearby to the media, said: "The competition there are many conflicts and fighting before, many people have Xueliumanmian, I can even hear the voice of broken bottles."
44岁的重伤者被送往当地医院,如今情况稳定。 44-year-old seriously injured were rushed to a local hospital, is now in stable condition. 数千球迷退场的时候,防暴警察严阵以待,20多名警官带领团队在球场附近道路巡逻监视。 Exit when thousands of fans and riot police in combat readiness and led the team of more than 20 police officers on patrol to monitor the road near the golf course. 厄普顿公园的这次骚乱将给近来连续发生厄运的西汉球会带来什么处罚,目前还尚未可知。 Upton Park, the riot would doom the recent spate of what penalties the Western Han Dynasty Club, is still not known.
■ 火药味弥漫在对峙的警察和球迷之间。 ■ smell of gunpowder filled the confrontation between police and fans.
■ 斗殴事件中被玻璃瓶砸伤的伤者触目惊心。 ■ brawls glass injury of the injured were startling.
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