Monday, September 28, 2009

The Philippines once in a 40-year floods, killing many innocent

菲律賓一場40餘年不遇的洪災,奪走許多無辜百姓的姓名,倖存者週一開始為者舉行喪禮,災民扶老攜幼,前往瞻仰親友遺容。 The Philippines once in a 40-year floods, killing many innocent people in the name of the survivors who began to hold funerals Monday, victims, young and old, friends and relatives paid their respects to the mortal remains. (圖:法新社) (Photo: AFP)

(Philippines ‧ Manila) The Philippine government Monday (September 28) admitted inability to deal with once in a 42-year floods, but many of the countries are facing a new storm struck.

氣象預報員克魯斯指出,目前,太平洋正在形式一個新的熱帶低氣壓和一個低壓區,而且兩者都在增強、移向菲律賓,很大機會演變成為颱風。 Weather forecasters Cruz pointed out that currently, the Pacific is the form of a new tropical depression and an area of low pressure, and both increasing, moving to the Philippines, a great opportunity to develop into a typhoon.


風暴2天內不會帶來影響 Storm two days there will be no impact

他表示,兩股潛在的風暴都很遙遠,至少在2天內不會對菲國帶來影響,但也有可能不會登陸菲國。 He said that the two stocks are a long way a potential storm, at least 2 days will not impact on the Philippines, but also may not visit the Philippines.

熱帶風暴“凱薩娜”早前吹襲菲國帶來暴雨,在馬尼拉及呂宋島周圍地區觸發山泥傾瀉和水災,多間房屋損毀,陸路交通中斷,當局已宣佈首都馬尼拉和25個省為災區,可以動用緊急基金救災。 Tropical storm "KETSANA" to bring torrential rains earlier hit the Philippines in Manila and Luzon triggering landslides and floods the surrounding area, a number of houses damaged, land transport disruption, the authorities have declared the capital of Manila and 25 provinces a disaster area, they could spend disaster relief emergency fund.

天氣持續惡劣 Bad weather

洪災週一已進入第3天,但氣象部門預測,當地天氣持續惡劣,仍然會有雨,而馬尼拉一些災區的洪水仍然沒有消退的跡象。 Floods has entered the 3rd day Monday, but the meteorological department forecasts, local weather continued bad, there will still be rain, while some hit the floods in Manila is still no sign of subsiding.

菲國國家災難統籌局局長戈萊週一坦承,政府無力應付國內42年不遇的洪災。 Philippine National Disaster Co-ordination Secretary Golez Monday admitted that the government is unable to meet internal flooding once in 42 years.

戈萊表示,當局已集中救災,但無論是整個救災系統或地方上的單位,都不勝負荷,“我們以往都是援助1個城市或1、2個省份,但現在卻是一個輪著一個告急。我們的人力物力被分攤得太薄。” Golez said that the authorities have focused on disaster relief, but whether the whole system or local disaster relief units are stretched beyond capacity, "we have always aid a city or 1,2 provinces, but now it is a wheel with an emergency . Our human and material resources have been assessed too thin. "

大批軍警和志願人士協助搜索失蹤者,清理災區,美軍也派直升機和橡皮艇協助救災。 A large number of police and volunteers to help search for the missing persons, disaster clean-up, the U.S. military has sent helicopters and rubber boats to assist disaster relief.

逾140死50萬人失所 More than 140 deaths and 50 million displaced

根據官方統計,洪災目前已造成至少140人死亡,32人失蹤,同時有近50萬人流離失所。 According to official statistics, the flooding has killed at least 140 people were killed and 32 were missing, while there are nearly 50 million people displaced.

但除此之外,DZBB電台引述當地官員稱,馬尼拉郊區馬里基納另外又發現58具屍體;而馬尼拉奎松城江邊村落的村長也向法新社披露,當地也發現29具屍體,另有108人下落不明。 But in addition, DZBB radio quoted a local official said the Manila suburb of Marikina also found 58 corpses; and riverside villages, Manila, Quezon City mayor also disclosed to the Agence France-Presse, the local also found 29 bodies, and the other There are 108 people unaccounted for.

災民圖重建家園 Figure victims rebuild their homes

遭遇40年來自最嚴重的洪災,許多菲律賓災民試圖從零開始,重建生活。 Encountered in 40 years from the most severe floods, and many victims in the Philippines, tried to start from scratch, rebuilding their lives.

熱帶風暴“凱薩娜”挾著12小時連續不斷的豪雨,給馬尼拉帶來平均1個月的降雨量,在當地造成山崩、摧毀許多房屋、推翻車輛以及滿地泥濘及殘骸。 Tropical storm "KETSANA" buttressed by 12 hours of continuous heavy rains, brought to Manila, an average of one month's rainfall caused landslides on the ground, destroying many houses, overturned vehicles, and Montreal, mud and debris.

陸軍部隊、警察和民間自願團週一繼續從混濁的泥濘和洪水中,移出一具具屍體,同時從屋頂撤離饑寒交迫的災民。 Army troops, police and private voluntary groups Monday continue to muddy the mud and flooding in and out of a corpse, while the hungry victims evacuated from the roof.

動用應急基金 Use of the contingency fund

政府宣佈馬尼拉和25個受災地區進入“災難狀態”,並允許官員使用應急基金進行救援。 Government announced that Manila and 25 in the affected areas into the "disastrous state", and allowed officials to use the contingency fund to conduct the rescue.

布拉干省省長門多薩表示:“風暴襲擊的時候,許多人都在自己家中溺斃。” Bulacan Province of Mendoza, said: "When the storm hit, many people drowned in their own homes."

馬尼拉郊區馬里基納一名30歲居民曼朗伊表示,洪水吞噬了他住家底層,摧毀了電視機和其他貴重物品,所幸他及時把孩子帶到安全的地方,讓他感到欣慰。 Manila suburb of Marikina, a 30-year-old resident Manlang Yi said that the flood engulfed the ground floor of his house, destroying television sets and other valuables, but fortunately he was promptly taken to a safe place the child so that he was pleased.

他感嘆:“我們又回到零了。” Exclaimed he: "We are back to zero in."

阿羅約巡視災區 Arroyo visited the disaster areas

總統阿羅約前往巡視災區,並鼓勵村民堅持生活下去。 President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo went to tour the disaster areas and encourages the villagers to adhere to their lives. 她表示,風暴和洪水都是考驗災民向極限挑戰的“極端事件”,但最終不會擊敗災民。 She said the test of victims of storms and floods are extreme challenges to the "extreme events", but ultimately will not defeat the victims.

軍事直升機從高空拍攝的影像顯示,全身濕透的倖存者在幾乎被水淹沒的巴士車頂上孤立無助的畫面。 Military helicopters from the aerial images showed that whole body soaked survivors in the almost-submerged bus roof helpless picture. 一些人甚至冒著生命危險攀爬高壓電纜、一些則在深度及腰的洪水內涉水而行。 Some people even risk their lives climbing high voltage cable, a number of in-depth wading waist-deep flooding in the line.

災害威力增敲響警鐘 Sounded the alarm by the power of disaster

一場風暴為馬尼拉帶來自1967年最大的降雨量,這異象並非偶然,儘管菲國氣象局局長將災難歸咎於氣候變化,但菲律賓對這場天災毫無招架之力,已為區內各國的救災能力敲響警鐘。 Manila storm brought the largest rainfall since 1967, this vision is no accident that, despite the Philippine Meteorological blamed the calamity of climate change, but the Philippines of this natural disaster without any defense force, the district has all the response capacity of the country sounded the alarm.

亞太區近年多場天災,災情超乎尋常。 Asia-Pacific region in recent years, more than a natural disaster, disaster extraordinary. 去年8月緬甸遭遇罕見特大風災,全國近半人口受災,逾13萬人死亡;今年2月,澳洲發生史上傷亡最慘重山火,近200人死亡。 Myanmar in August last year, suffered a rare big storm, half the population affected, more than 13 million people died; in February of this year, Australia took place in the history of the deadliest fires, nearly 200 people were killed.

災害發生突變,為各國救災工作帶來壓力。 Disasters, a mutation in the relief efforts for countries to bring pressure.

以澳洲為例,過去居民接獲當局山火警告後,一般都有足夠時間撤離,可是2月份的山火在強風、乾燥和高溫天氣下,變得規模大、速度快。 In Australia, for example, in the past residents of the fire danger warning is received, it normally has sufficient time to evacuate, but in February a fire in strong winds, dry and hot weather, becoming large and fast. 居民往往剛接獲警告,大火已經燒到家門口,令不少人來不及逃生。 Residents often have just received the warning, the fire had burned to the door, so that many people have no time to escape.

聯合國氣候變化峰會剛剛結束,馬尼拉就敲起警鐘,說明各國應及時修訂救災措施,防患於未然。 The just-concluded United Nations climate change summit in Manila, would sound the alarm, indicating that States should promptly amend relief measures before they occur.

傳染病隨時爆發 Outbreaks of infectious disease at any time

菲律賓衛生部週一(9月28日)警告,特大洪水消退後,隨之而來的很可能是疾病爆發,因為馬尼拉多處地區被污水覆蓋,而且罹難者的棺木也停放在倖存者的疏散中心內。 Philippine Ministry of Health Monday (September 28) warned that after the floods receded, is likely to be followed by outbreaks of disease, because many areas in Manila were covered by water, and the victim's coffin is also parked in the survivors evacuation centers.

菲律賓首都馬尼拉是洪水重災區,超過11萬5000名災民擠進當地的臨時疏散中心如學校及露天體育館等。 The Philippine capital Manila, is the flood hit, more than 115,000 victims squeezed into a temporary evacuation centers such as local schools, and open-air gymnasium.

衛生部長首席助理格雷羅醫生表示,一些傳染病如A(H1N1)型流感、腹瀉、以及鉤端螺旋體病的細菌性疾病是政府的隱憂。 Principal Assistant Minister of Health Dr. Guerrero said that some infectious diseases such as A (H1N1) influenza, diarrhea, and bacterial disease leptospirosis is the government's worries.

格雷羅說:“我們的水源、衛生設施和疏散中心都出現了污染,疾病的傳播會因此而加速。” Guerrero said: "Our water supply, sanitation and evacuation centers are the pollution, the spread of disease will be accelerated."

她警告,積水地區也可以成為蚊子滋長的溫床,從而傳播骨痛熱症。 She warned that stagnant water areas can become breeding grounds for mosquito breeding, which spread dengue fever.