Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dissatisfied with their employers blame the maid with a sanitary napkin magic

不满被雇主责备女佣用卫生棉施法 Dissatisfied with their employers blame the maid with a sanitary napkin magic

二零零九年九月十二日晚上七时二十九分 At 19:29 on September 12, 2009

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■ 姚女士说,女佣把用过的卫生棉放在米桶里。 ■ Ms. Yao said the maid used a sanitary napkin to be placed m bucket.

■ 姚女士总共找到18样异物。 ■ Ms. Yao found a total of 18 samples foreign body.

(新加坡12日讯)不满被责备,女佣被指使用肮脏卫生棉、纸人、大头针和沾尿的厕纸,对雇主一家五口“施法”。 (Singapore 12, Reuters) have been blamed for dissatisfaction, the maid accused of using dirty sanitary napkins, paper people, pin, and James urine toilet paper to the employer a five "magic."

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