Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bamboo Keyboard", "Bamboo Mouse"

(China ‧ Yichun) Tonggu a bamboo industry in China's Jiangxi Province has made the world's first enterprise "Bamboo Keyboard", "Bamboo Mouse", Sat (October 3), there are 2000 sets of products destined for European markets . 目前,此項全球第一款“竹鍵盤”技術和工藝已獲3國家發明專利,產品外銷供不應求。 At present, the world's first "bamboo keyboard" technology and processes have been 3 national invention patents, products for export in short supply.
  • 工作人員正在展示竹制電腦“竹鍵盤”。 Staff are showing bamboo computer "bamboo keyboard." 江西銅鼓縣一家竹業企業研製開發的世界首款電腦竹鍵盤,目前已獲3國家專利。 Jiangxi Tonggu a research and development of bamboo industry in the world's first business computer bamboo keyboard, now has been three national patents. (圖:中新社) (Figure: China news agency)

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