Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ireland, through the "Lisbon Treaty" remove obstacles to European integration

二零零九年十月四日下午四时三十二分 At 16:32 on October 4, 2009

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■ 爱尔兰统一党领袖恩达·肯尼(左)与支持者一道在都柏林城堡前庆祝爱尔兰通过《里斯本条约》。 ■ Ireland Unionist Party leader Endakenni (left) and supporters of a celebration of Ireland in Dublin Castle before the adoption of the "Lisbon Treaty." (新华社照片) (Xinhua Photo)

(都柏林4日综合电)爱尔兰一次全民公决的结果,牵动着全欧洲的神经。 (Dublin 4, AP) Ireland, a referendum results, and affected the whole of Europe's nerves.旨在推动欧洲一体化进程的《里斯本条约》得到了三分之二爱尔兰选民的支持,这意味着欧洲一体化的最大障碍被清除。

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