Hillary to visit Britain and the British Prime Minister held a meeting
■ 美国国务卿希拉莉(左)周日与英国首相布朗在英国南部会面时行礼。 ■ U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (left) and Sunday with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown meeting in the South of England salute. (美联社照片) (AP Photo)
■ 美国国务卿希拉莉(右)和爱尔兰总理考恩周日在都柏林召开联合记者会。 ■ U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (right) and the Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen in Dublin on Sunday held a joint press conference. (美联社照片) (AP Photo)
(伦敦12日综合电)正在欧洲访问的美国国务卿希拉莉11日与英国首相布朗和外交大臣米利班德分别举行会晤。 (London 12, Reuters) is visiting Europe on the 11th U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Foreign Secretary David Miliband held a meeting separately.
布朗首相当天在伦敦的乡间别墅迎接希拉莉的到来。 Prime Minister Gordon Brown's country house in London that day to meet Hillary Clinton's arrival. 他表示,双方将就广泛的议题交换看法。 He said that the two sides will exchange views on a wide range of topics.
布朗说:“她(希拉莉)始终对欧洲事务尤其是北爱尔兰问题表现出浓厚兴趣。我期待着和她就北爱问题交换看法,而且我们还将讨论阿富汗、伊朗、核裁军等所有希拉莉感兴趣的重大问题。” Brown said: "She (Hillary) is always right, especially for European Affairs has shown keen interest in Northern Ireland. I look forward to her to exchange views on Northern Ireland, and we will also discuss Afghanistan, Iran, nuclear disarmament, and all other Hillary major issues of interest. "
早些时候,米利班德与希拉里举行会谈,就阿富汗局势和伊朗核问题等国际问题交换了意见。 Earlier, Mr Miliband held talks with Hillary on the situation in Afghanistan and the Iranian nuclear issue and other international issues of common concern. 在会谈后举行的联合新闻发布会上,米利班德说,合作对于解决英美两国面临的共同挑战十分重要,他强调要阻止阿富汗回到塔利班的统治之下。 After the talks at a joint press conference, Mr Miliband said the Anglo-American cooperation to solve common challenges facing the two countries is very important, he stressed the need to prevent the return to Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban.
针对伊朗核问题,希拉莉表示,国际社会不能一直无限期地等待伊朗履行其国际责任。 Against the Iranian nuclear issue, Hillary said that the international community can not always wait indefinitely for Iran to fulfill its international responsibilities.
美国将提供支持北爱尔兰和平进程 The United States will provide support to the Northern Ireland peace process in
(贝尔法斯特12日综合电)正在伦敦访问的美国国务卿希拉莉12日在英国贝尔法斯特发表演讲时表示,美国将为北爱尔兰的和平进程提供新的支持,并帮助该国解决对分权自治政府造成威胁的政治对峙。 (Belfast on the 12th AP) visiting London on the 12th U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a speech in Belfast, UK, said the peace process in Northern Ireland, the United States would provide new support and help the country address the decentralized self-government a threat to the political confrontation.
希拉莉表示,在解决北爱尔兰问题上,她将“尽己所能提供鼓励与支持”。 Hillary said that in resolving the Northern Ireland issue, she would "do our best to provide encouragement and support."
2007北爱正式恢复分权自治 2007 the formal resumption of decentralized self-government in Northern Ireland
2007年5月,北爱尔兰民主统一党领袖佩斯利和新芬党领导人麦吉尼斯在北爱首府贝尔法斯特同时宣誓就任北爱新政府第一部长和第二部长,这标志北爱尔兰正式恢复分权自治政府。 In May 2007, Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party leader Ian Paisley and Sinn Fein leader McGuinness at the Northern Ireland capital of Belfast, Northern Ireland at the same time the new government was sworn in as first minister and second minister, which marks the formal resumption of Northern Ireland decentralized self-government.
希拉莉10月9日启程出访欧洲,其目的便是劝说欧洲各国一同抑制伊朗的核活动,以及支持美国在阿富汗的战争。 Hillary departed October 9 visit to Europe, its purpose is to persuade the European countries together with suppression of Iran's nuclear activities, as well as to support the U.S. war in Afghanistan.
此次希拉莉行程为5天,走访6座城市,包括瑞士苏黎世、英国首都伦敦、爱尔兰首都都柏林、英国城市贝尔法斯特以及俄罗斯的莫斯科和喀山。 The Hillary itinerary for 5 days, visited six cities, including Zurich, Switzerland, the United Kingdom capital of London, the Irish capital, Dublin, Belfast and the British city of Moscow and Kazan in Russia.
她日前抵达瑞士苏黎世,参加了亚美尼亚和土耳其实现两国关系正常化协议的签署仪式。 She recently arrived in Zurich, Switzerland, Armenia and Turkey participated in the normalization of relations between the two countries signing ceremony.
爱尔兰共和军一分支放弃暴力抗争 A branch of the Irish Republican Army to renounce violence and protests
(都柏林12日综合电)美国国务卿希拉莉周日由英国转抵爱尔兰访问,呼吁落实北爱和平进程,而共和军一个武装分支则宣布放弃暴力抗争。 (Dublin 12, Reuters) U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Ireland Sunday transferred from the United Kingdom visit, called for the implementation of the Northern Ireland peace process, an armed branch of the IRA renounced violence and protests.
希拉莉到爱尔兰首都都柏林,与爱尔兰总理考恩见面后表示,美国会继续支持北爱和平进程。 Hillary Clinton to Ireland's capital Dublin, with Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen said after the meeting, the United States would continue to support the Northern Ireland peace process. 目前阻碍北爱和平的最大障碍,是英国政府何时才把调动警队的权力及司法权,交给北爱地方政府。 Currently impeding the greatest obstacle to peace in Northern Ireland, When will the British Government to mobilize the power of police and judicial powers to the Northern Ireland local government.
希拉莉早前在伦敦跟英国首相布朗见面时表示,美国支持英国尽快把有关权力交给北爱尔兰,而且有信心权力移交过程很快会有进展。 Hillary earlier in London meeting with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the United States supports the United Kingdom as soon as the relevant powers to Northern Ireland, and are confident that the process will soon be progress in the transfer of power.
推动美俄核裁军协议 The United States and Russia to promote nuclear disarmament agreement
她又承诺,美国会协助北爱重振经济。 She also promised that the U.S. would help revitalize the economy of Northern Ireland. 在希拉莉到访爱尔兰的同一时间,爱尔兰共和军一个武装分支宣布结束至少30年的暴力抗争,不排除会解除武装,但没有明确时间表。 Hillary visited Ireland at the same time, an armed branch of the Irish Republican Army announced an end to at least 30 years of violence and protests, will not rule out the disarmament, but there is no clear timetable. 该个武装组织在1974至1998年间,一再于北爱发动袭击,杀死超过百人,其中一宗是在1979年暗杀保守党政要,亦是时任首相达泽夫人的心腹艾雷尼夫。 The armed organization in 1974 to 1998, and again in Northern Ireland to launch attacks, killing more than 100 people, of which one was assassinated in 1979, the Conservative Party politicians, is also his wife when he was a confidant of Prime Minister Daze Yileinifu. 共和军政治组织新芬党对于该个武装分支愿意放弃暴力表示欢迎。 Political organization, Sinn Fein, the IRA for the armed branch is willing to renounce violence and welcomed.
这也是希拉莉就任国务卿以来,首次访问爱尔兰和俄罗斯。 This is Hillary becoming secretary of state since the first visit to Ireland and Russia. 目的便是鼓励北爱尔兰和解进程,推动美俄两国在12月5日前签署新的核裁军协议。 The purpose is to encourage the reconciliation process in Northern Ireland to promote the United States and Russia on December 5 between the two countries sign new nuclear disarmament agreement.
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