Sunday, October 4, 2009

Martin Luther King / Albert Einstein / Mother Teresa won the Nobel prize winners of the most respected

二零零九年十月四日下午四时三十分 At 16:30 on October 4, 2009

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■ (左起)马丁路德金、爱因斯坦、德兰修女。 ■ (from left) Martin Luther King, Einstein, Mother Teresa.

(斯德哥尔4日综合电)在今年诺贝尔奖各奖项即将揭晓之际,诺贝尔基金会评出了诺贝尔奖百余年历史上最受尊崇的3位获奖者。 (Stockholm 4 AP) in this year's Nobel prizes announced the forthcoming occasion of the Nobel Foundation named its hundred-year history of the Nobel Prize the most respected three winners. 他们是:1964年和平奖得主马丁路德金、1921年物理学奖得主爱因斯坦、1979年和平奖得主德兰修女。 They are: 1964 Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King, Jr., 1921 Physics Prize winner Albert Einstein, 1979 Peace Prize winner Mother Teresa.

黑人民权运动领袖 Black civil rights leader

马丁路德金是著名的美国黑人民权运动领袖。 Martin Luther King, Jr. is a famous African-American civil rights movement. 他于1963年在林肯纪念堂前发表演说《我有一个梦想》,反对种族歧视、争取平等的正义呼声至今回荡不绝。 He was at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, before the speech "I Have a Dream" and oppose racial discrimination, fight for equality, justice and the voice still reverberating without a break. 他领导的民权运动迫使美国前总统约翰逊于1964年签署了民权法案。 He led the civil rights movement forced the United States in 1964, former President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. 1968年4月4日,马丁路德金在支持田纳西州孟菲斯市清洁工人罢工斗争中被种族主义分子暗杀,年仅39岁。 April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee in support of the strike struggle of the cleaners was a racist murder at age 39. 他的遇害引发了美国历史上前所未有的黑人抗暴斗争浪潮,席卷全美125个城市。 His death sparked an unprecedented in American history, the struggle of black uprising wave that swept across 125 cities.

伟大科学家 Great scientist

至于天才科学家爱因斯坦,因其有关“光电效应”的论文,即狭义相对论而获奖。 As for Einstein, because of the "photoelectric effect" of the paper, that is, the award-winning special theory of relativity. 相对论是人类科学史上最重要的理论之一。 Relativity is the history of human sciences the most important theories. 爱因斯坦不仅是一位有着杰出贡献的伟大科学家,还是一位和平主义者。 Einstein is not only a great scientist with outstanding contributions, or a pacifist. 他目睹了两次世界大战对人类文明的摧残,认为和平是人类的首要问题。 He has seen two world wars, the destruction of human civilization, that peace is humanity's primary problem. 1955年4月,弥留之际的爱因斯坦签署了《罗素——爱因斯坦宣言》,呼吁人们团结起来,防止新的世界大战爆发。 In April 1955, dying of Einstein signed the "Russell - Einstein Manifesto" calling on people to unite to prevent the outbreak of a new world war.

仁爱传教会创建人 Founder of the Missionaries of Charity

德兰修女是天主教仁爱传教会创建人,毕生致力于慈善事业。 Mother Teresa is the founder of the Catholic Missionaries of Charity, devoted his life to philanthropy. 她于1910年出生在阿尔巴尼亚,18岁时因受印度大诗人泰戈尔的影响,来到印度投身慈善事业。 She was born in 1910 in Albania, the age of 18 due to the impact of the great Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore came to India to join the charity.

1949年,德兰萨修女在加尔各答创立了慈善机构“仁爱会”,并以此为基地,在印度开展救助孤儿、穷人、老人和麻风病患者的慈善工作。 In 1949, De Lansa nuns in Calcutta founded the charity, "Charity", and use it as a base in India to carry out rescue orphans, the poor, the elderly and persons affected with leprosy in charitable work. 她在印度和其他国家创办了50余所学校、医院、济贫所、青年中心和孤儿院。 She was in India and other countries, founded more than 50 schools, hospitals, helping the poor by, youth centers and orphanages.