Monday, October 12, 2009

British and American scientists have found control of circadian clock genes

二零零九年十月十二日下午四时九分 At 4:09 p.m. on October 12, 2009

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■ 生物钟 ■ Clock

■ 英美科学家找到控制生物钟的基因,他们正一步将从人类即婴孩方面先作实验。 ■ British and American scientists have found genes that control the clock, they are one step from the human baby in the first experiment.

(伦 敦12日综合电)日前英美科学家联合在《科学》期刊上撰文称,他们已经找到了实验鼠的大脑中操纵生物钟走向的基因“per1”,并基本摸清了生物钟的“秉 性”,按照这样的研究思路,不久就能制造出能有效缓解时差的药物,并进一步在癌症、情绪失常、老年痴呆和内分泌失调等与生物钟紊乱有密切联系的疾病的研究 上取得突破性进展。 (London 12, Reuters) has a joint British and American scientists in the "Science" journal article, they have found the brain of mice to manipulate the direction of clock genes "per1", and basically found out the clock's "natural disposition", in accordance with Such research ideas, and soon will be able to create drugs that can effectively relieve jet lag, and further cancer, mood disorders, endocrine disorders such as Alzheimer's and are closely linked with the circadian clock disorder disease research breakthrough.

除了在医学领域的巨大利用前景,了解大脑生物钟的运作原理和方式也能帮助飞行员、媒体从业人员等经常需要值夜班的人们保持清醒良好的精神状态。 In addition to the great advantage of the prospects for the medical field to understand the functioning of the brain clock principles and ways to help pilots, media practitioners and other people who often need to maintain a clear night shifts a good mental state.

众所周知,人体中司管时间的系统被称为“生理节律”,也就是俗称的生物钟。 We all know, the body governing the Secretary for the time system is called the "circadian rhythm" that is commonly known as the biological clock. 它帮助我们的身体维持住一个基本的运作规律,何时吃饭、睡觉、醒来;何时进行身体的其它一些机能。 It helps our bodies to maintain the operation of a basic rule to live, when to eat, sleep, wake up; when a number of other physical functions.

控制生物钟区域处在口腔上腭上方 Control the clock at the mouth on the palate at the top of the region

科学家介绍称,大脑中控制生物钟的那片区域叫做“视交叉上核”(SCN),和所有的哺乳动物一样,人类大脑中SCN所在的那片区域也正处在口腔上腭上方,以现有的技术手段很难在人类大脑的那片区域做实验,因此此次研究只能在实验鼠身上进行。 Scientists explained that it control the clock in the plot of the brain area called the "suprachiasmatic nucleus" (SCN), and all mammals, the human brain in the SCN where the plot of the region is also in the oral cavity above the palate, to the current Some techniques in the human brain is difficult to experiment with the plot of the region, so the study was carried out only in laboratory rats. 科学家表示,经过多年不懈地找寻,他们终于在SCN区域找到了两种功能完全不同细胞,操控哺乳动物生物钟的“per1”基因就在找到的“生物钟细胞”中,而另一种“非生物钟细胞”的作用目前还不得而知。 Scientists said that after years of tireless search, they finally found in the SCN region of two completely different cell functions, and manipulation of the mammalian circadian clock "per1" gene is found on the "clock cells", while the other "non-clock cell "The role is currently unknown.

此次研究的另外一个重要突破在于,它完全颠覆了医学界以往对于生物钟活动的猜想。 The study is another important breakthrough is that it completely subvert the medical profession in the past activities of the conjecture for the clock. 以前医学界认为,SCN的两种细胞会在白天一直不断地发出电脉冲来调节人体时钟,晚上就慢了下来。 Previous medical profession believe that, SCN during the day the two kinds of cells have continued to send electrical pulses to regulate the body clock, night slow down.

而这次的研究证实,这两种细胞从傍晚时分才开始集中发射电脉冲,晚上停下来,第二天日出时再接着发射,在整个白天中SCN细胞都不会再发射电脉冲,而只是将其保持一个活跃性的状态。 But this study has confirmed that two kinds of cells from the evening began to focus on firing electrical pulses in the evening to stop, then fired again when the next day at sunrise, throughout the day in the SCN cells are no longer fired electrical pulse, but only to maintain an active nature of their state. 这就好像你开着了一辆汽车,引擎也在隆隆轰鸣,但就是不踩油门把车开出去一样。 It's like you drive a car, the engine is also rumbling roar, but they do not step on the gas to drive out the same.

密歇根大学数学家弗格教授十分看好这项研究的前景,他说:“知道了SCN如何发射生物钟信号,我们就能对其进行调节,继而在与生物钟紊乱有关的一切疾病的诊疗上取得突破性进展。” Professor of the University of Michigan mathematician Ferger very optimistic about the prospects for the study, he said: "I know how the firing of the SCN clock signal, we can adjust them and then with the clock disorders related to the diagnosis and treatment of all diseases, to achieve breakthrough progress. "