Sunday, October 4, 2009

5,000-year-old dwellings sites, tentatively called blue dwellings (Bluehenge).

(UK ‧ London), England Wiltshire Stonehenge (Stonehenge), is a world-famous prehistoric architecture. 今年夏天一批考古學家又在1.6公里外再發現另一個同樣有5000年歷史的石陣遺址,暫稱藍石陣(Bluehenge)。 This summer a group of archaeologists has discovered 1.6 kilometers away and then another the same 5,000-year-old dwellings sites, tentatively called blue dwellings (Bluehenge).

設菲爾德大學教授皮爾遜今夏率領一批專家,秘密發掘藍石陣遺址。 Pearson, Sheffield University, led a group of experts this summer, a secret excavation site of the Blue dwellings.

有證據顯示,藍石陣原是由27塊巨石圍成一個直徑18米的圓圈,每塊石高1.8米、重4噸。 There is evidence that blue-dwellings was originally surrounded by 27 stone circle with a diameter of 18 meters, each stone is 1.8 meters and weighing 4 tons. 著名的巨石陣主陣,也是由數十塊巨石組成,但最高的石塊達到8米,每塊重達50噸。 The famous Stonehenge main array, is composed of dozens of blocks of stone, but the stones to 8 m high, each weighing 50 tonnes. 因此藍石陣與巨石陣猶如姊妹石陣。 Therefore, Stonehenge Blue dwellings and dwellings like sisters.

巨石陣專家達維爾說:“新發現令巨石陣的故事更豐富,若再發現更多巨陣,也不會令驚訝。” Stonehenge experts, Darwell said: "The new discovery to make a richer story of Stonehenge, if more to find more giant array, it would not surprise me."

砌成藍石陣的石頭,是比花崗石更堅硬的粗粒玄武岩,在321公里外的普雷塞利山開採後,經水路運到此處。 Blue dwellings piled stones harder than granite of coarse-grained basalt, of the 321 kilometers away Puleiseli mountain mined, transported by river to here. 砌成圓圈後,人們就在石頭塗上深藍色和銀色斑點,模仿夜空。 Piled circle, people painted in deep blue and silver stones spots mimic the night sky.

藍石陣的發現,令巨石陣的歷史改寫。 Blue dwellings found, so that rewriting the history of Stonehenge. 考古學家一直以為,巨石陣是歷時600年分3個階段建造。 Archaeologists had thought that Stonehenge is the last for the construction of 600 Year 3 stages.

藍石陣的發現,也令巨石陣的作用再起爭議。 Blue dwellings discovery also makes the role of Stonehenge renewed controversy. 皮爾遜教授相信,這些巨陣是用來迎接生命和舉行葬禮的地方。 Professor Pearson believes that these huge array is used to meet the life and funeral place. 但考古學家理查茲認為,巨石陣永遠是個謎。 However, Richards Archaeologists believe that Stonehenge is always a mystery.