Monday, October 5, 2009

Young woman hiding bedroom with drug money!

二零零九年十月六日凌晨十二时十三分 At 12:13 on October 6, 2009

(新加坡5日讯)钞票卷成纸筒,一名少妇躲在房间内吸海洛英,以为神不知鬼不觉,岂料肃毒人员上门突击,少妇在惊慌下,将钞票等吸毒“道具”一并抛下楼,企图毁灭证据。 (Singapore 5 AP) notes rolled paper tube, a young woman hiding inside a room smoking heroin, thinking that without anybody knowing it, our surprise, surprise visits Su-drug officers, the young woman in panic, will money and other drug use "props "thrown together with buildings, an attempt to destroy evidence.

天网恢恢,少妇企图瞒天过海的举动被肃毒局人员发现,他们将证据取回,入屋将少妇当场逮捕。 Justice has the young woman move was an attempt to deceive Narcotics Bureau found that the evidence they would get back, entry will be the young woman arrested on the spot.

去年6月17日4时许,肃毒人员在掌握可靠情报之后,到少妇花蒂玛的家中进行突击,她的丈夫开门时表示妻子不在家。 Last year, June 17 4 pm, CNB officers have reliable intelligence, after the young woman Fatimah's home to conduct a surprise, her husband opened the door, said his wife was not home.

这时,肃毒人员发现有人从2楼单位的睡房窗口,把东西抛下楼。 At this time, Su-drug officers discovered that someone from the 2nd floor bedroom of the flat window, the floor, throwing things. 他们将被丢弃的物件取回后,入屋调查,发现少妇躲藏在睡房的衣架背后。 They will be discarded objects to retrieve after the burglary investigation, found that the young woman hiding in the back bedroom of the hanger.

少妇当场承认,她见肃毒人员上门突击,将用来吸食海落英的铝箔纸和卷成纸筒的新币2元钞票给抛下楼。 Spot young woman admitted that she come see the Su-drug officers, assault, will be used to abuse the sea Laying of aluminum foil paper and roll into a paper tube 2 yuan of new currency notes to the floor, throwing. 经过化验,2元钞票也证实占有含海洛英成份,她的尿液化验证实含有吗啡成份。 After testing, 2 yuan notes are also confirmed with possession of heroin, ingredients, and her urine test found to contain morphine ingredient.

她因吸毒被法官判处罪坐牢5年。 She was a judge sentenced for drug crimes in prison for 5 years. 根据警方的记录,被告有多项吸毒以及诈骗案底。 According to police records, the defendant has a number of drug abuse and fraud at the end.

少妇在求情书中声称,自己已多年没有沾上毒品,近期因为和丈夫面对财务方面的压力,导致毒瘾重犯,而身体检查报告也显示,她的乳房长有肿瘤。 In mitigation, the book claims that the young woman he has been for many years has not stained with drugs, because the husband and the face of recent financial pressures, leading to drug addiction recidivism, while the physical examination report also revealed that her breast excised tumor.

少妇目前在服刑,她已针对判决提出上诉。 Young woman is currently serving a sentence, she had appealed against the sentence.