Monday, October 12, 2009

HKU latest research: Chicken evil pig-like illness weak incurable bacteria Xiren

二零零九年十月十二日下午四时三十分 At 4:30 p.m. on October 12, 2009

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■ 禽畜摄取过量抗生素,肠道带有具抵御抗生素效用的恶菌。 ■ Livestock excessive intake of antibiotics, gut with a bacteria resistant to antibiotics evil effect.

■ 食用未煮熟肉类,或生熟食物交叉污染,都有可能吞下抗药恶菌。 ■ eating undercooked meat, or cross-contamination between raw and cooked food, are likely to swallow evil drug-resistant bacteria.

■ 何柏良的研究证实,人类从进食鸡、猪、牛等肉类感染抗药恶菌。 ■ Ho Pak-leung of the study confirmed that the human from the consumption of chickens, pigs, cattle and other meat infected with drug-resistant bacteria evil.

■ 恶菌带有一个具传播能力的基因匣,与人类大肠杆菌进行基因洗牌,可令人体的大肠杆菌具抗药性。 ■ bad bacteria with an ability to communicate with the gene cartridge, and human E. coli for gene shuffling may cause the body resistant E. coli.

(香港12日综合电)每日香港人进食的猪只及鸡只,70%、80%带有抗药性恶菌,足以令抗生素无效,人类进食未熟肉类等于吞下抗药恶菌。 (Hong Kong 12 AP) Daily consumption of pigs and chickens in Hong Kong, 70%, 80% with drug-resistant bacteria evil enough to make antibiotics ineffective, immature human consumption of meat is equal to swallow the evil drug-resistant bacteria.

香港大学一项最新研究进一步证实,80%半带有抗药恶菌的动物均具有可传染的“抗药基因匣”,进入人体后抗药基因可传染给人类,进行基因洗牌,令肠道内的大肠杆菌也具抗药性。 University of Hong Kong to a new study further confirmed that 80% of the semi-evil with a drug-resistant bacteria in the animals can be infected with the "resistance gene cartridge" into the human body resistance gene can be transmitted to humans, genetic shuffling, so that intestinal tract of E. coli are also resistant. 恶菌横行,长者及手术病人易因并发症而无药可救,提高死亡率。 Rampant evil bacteria, the elderly and surgical patients with incurable easy due to complications and improve mortality rates.

香港大学传染及感染中心总监何柏良接受访问时表示,一向抗生素失效,主要原因是滥用所致,但近年已陆续发现,人类带有具抗药能力的恶菌,源头可能来自食用动物。 University of Hong Kong Director of the Center transmitted and infection Ho Pak-leung said in an interview has been antibiotic resistance, mainly caused by abuse, but in recent years have been gradually discovered that the human capacity of evil with a drug-resistant bacteria, the source may come from animals.

他解释,抗药恶菌必须带有一个基因匣(integron)才具有传播能力,可令恶菌由动物向人类散播。 He explained that drug-resistant bacteria must be with a bad gene cartridge (integron) only has the ability to communicate can result in bad bacteria spread from animals to humans.

手术入血增死亡风险 Into the blood increase the risk of death surgery

该中心收集了174个抗药性大肠杆菌样本,包括64个食用动物的粪便、59个健康大学生及儿童,以及51个患尿道炎的妇女样本。 The center collected 174 samples of drug-resistant E. coli, including 64 food animal faeces, 59 healthy college students and children, and 51 samples of women suffering from urethritis. 这项香港首次进行的抗药恶菌研究结果令人惊讶,48.4%动物样本能抵御7至8种抗生素,人类的样本也有31.8%达这种抗药威力。 The first of Hong Kong carried out by drug-resistant bacteria evil results are surprising, 48.4% animal samples can withstand 7-8 kinds of antibiotics, humans are also 31.8% of the sample up to the power of this resistance. 何柏良说:“7至8种抗生素都无效,所以这种恶菌可以对所有抗生素有抗药能力。” Ho Pak-leung, said: "7-8 kinds of antibiotics are ineffective, so this evil bacteria can be resistant to all antibiotics have the ability."

为了解人类肠道内的抗药恶菌从何而来,研究分析恶菌是否带有基因匣,结果84.4%动物及50.9%人类样本带有抗药基因匣;研究人员再拆解两者是否相同,结果证实90%人的抗药基因匣与动物恶菌的基因匣一模一样,“这样我们就可以证实,恶菌可能在人和动物之间横行,也就是由动物传过来。” In order to understand the resistance of human intestinal bacteria come from evil, study and analyze whether the bad bacteria with a gene cartridge, the results of 84.4% and 50.9% of human samples of animals with drug-resistant gene cartridge; study and then dismantling the two is the same The results show that 90% of the people's resistance gene cartridge evil bacteria and animal genetic cartridges identical, "so that we can confirm that the bad bacteria may be rampant among the people and animals, that is, transmission from animals over."

他表示,如进食未熟的肉类时,或者生熟食物交叉污染,都可以吞下抗药恶菌,较常见的恶菌是大肠杆菌。 He said that if the meat eating immature, or when cross-contamination between raw and cooked food, can swallow evil drug-resistant bacteria, the more common bad bacteria is E. coli. “ 虽然鸡只的恶菌不会令到人生病,但是恶菌的基因可以与人的大肠杆菌洗牌,人的大肠杆菌就有抗药能力。”恶菌可致尿道炎、膀胱炎,儿童及长者抵抗力较差,感染后或可致病,即使未立即发病,“当做腹部手术时,恶菌就容易走去其他器官甚至入血,这样就难治疗,甚至会增加死亡几率。” "Although the chickens will not lead to bad bacteria to human illness, but the bad bacteria E. coli and human genes may be shuffling, people have drug-resistant E. coli." Evil bacteria can cause urethritis, cystitis, children and the elderly poor immunity, infection or disease, even if not immediately the disease, "as abdominal surgery, the bad bacteria it is easy to walk into the other organs and even blood, he'd better treatment, or even increase the risk of dying."

香港人每日进食数千只猪、2万活鸡,还有不少冰鲜鸡等肉类,当中有多少带有抗药恶菌,惟香港渔农自然护理署及食物环境卫生署未针对这一点直接回应。 Thousands of people daily consumption of pigs, 20000 chickens, there are a lot of chilled chickens and other meat, the number of evil with the drug-resistant bacteria, but the Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has not targeted This is a direct answer.

据了解,有研究人员在收集猪、牛及鸡只粪便或肠道样本,每种动物收集数百个,发现近88.7%鸡只及70.1%猪只带有抗药性大肠杆菌,牛的比率为19.7%。 It is understood that there are researchers in the collection of pork, beef and chicken faeces or intestinal samples, each collected hundreds of animals, found that nearly 88.7% and 70.1% of chickens with the drug-resistant E. coli in pigs, cattle ratio 19.7%.

食用动物滥用抗生素 Abuse of antibiotics in food animals

研究同时收集老鼠、狗只及猫只粪便样本,抗药比率均较食用动物低,显示香港人每天进食的动物的抗药情况严重,当中或者与饲养时滥用抗生素有关。 The study also collected rats, dogs and cats stool samples from food animals, drug-resistant than those with low ratios, indicating that Hong Kong people to eat animals every day resistance in serious condition, and feeding them, or the misuse of antibiotics.

至于有多少病人因为吞了抗药恶菌肉类而无药可救,何柏良表示仍未有研究证实每年的死亡人数,但近年在诊所及普通科门诊的数据显示,约40%膀胱炎患者的大肠杆菌有抗药问题。 As the number of patients who had swallowed the drug-resistant bacteria of meat and incurable evil, Ho Pak-leung said the research has yet to confirm that the annual number of deaths, but in recent years in clinics and general outpatient data show that about 40% of patients with cystitis resistant E. coli problem.