Monday, October 5, 2009

The "Ford World Supermodel Contest" as the bait Kate XIE cheated 100,000

The "Ford World Supermodel Contest" as the bait Kate XIE cheated 100,000

以“福特世界超模大赛”为饵名模谢丽萍被骗10万 The "Ford World Supermodel Contest" as the bait Kate XIE cheated 100,000

二零零九年十月六日凌晨十二时五十六分 At 12:56 on October 6, 2009

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■ 记者会开始未及5秒钟,谢丽萍就梨花带泪地道出受骗经过了。 ■ press will start less than 5 seconds, Li-Ping Xie Lihua tear on the ground tells deceived after.

■ 谢丽萍在其代表律师Rajan Navaratnam的陪同下,道出事情的过程。 ■ XIE his legal representative, accompanied by Rajan Navaratnam, tells something of the process.

(吉隆坡五日讯)大马名模Amber Chia谢丽萍的新模特儿公司开张未及2个月,就遭27岁女子以“福特世界超模大赛”为饵,骗约10万和名誉面子。 (Kuala Lumpur on the 5th AP) Malaysian supermodel Amber Chia Li-Ping Xie of the new modeling agency opened less than 2 months, it was 27-year-old woman with "Ford World Supermodel Contest" as the bait, lie about 10 million, and an honorary face.

不但如此,那叶姓女子如今还搞失踪,逼至谢丽萍发出48小时现身的通缉令。 Not only that, it leaves Xing Nvzi Today you can still engage in disappearances, Bi Zhi XIE issued arrest warrants for 48 hours to show up.

今天下午3时,Amber Chia在代表律师Rajan Navaratnam的陪同下,召开记者会道出“上当记”的经过。 Today at 3 pm, Amber Chia on behalf of the lawyer Rajan Navaratnam, accompanied by a press conference tells "be taken in mind," was tested.

今年8月,谢丽萍的Amber Creations开张,专门承接有关模特儿行业的生意。 This year in August, Li-Ping Xie of the Amber Creations opened specifically took on the modeling industry, business.

9月初,她接到一叶姓女子的邀请,一起联手主办“福特世界超模大赛”的真人秀节目。 Early in September, she received a leaf Xingnv Zi's invitation to host jointly with the "Ford World Supermodel Contest," a reality show.

谢丽萍表示,福特世界超模大赛是一场世界级比赛,是每一个模特儿的梦想,所以她极度希望能够接手这场演出,让大马的模特儿都有机会踏上这世界级的天桥。 Li-Ping Xie said that the Ford World Supermodel Contest is a world-class competitions of every model's dream, so she hopes to take over this great show, so that Malysia's model has the opportunity to set foot on this world-class bridge.

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