Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Google Maps as a chessboard, "Monopoly" players play best in the world

Google Maps当作棋盘“大富翁”玩家玩尽世界 Google Maps as a chessboard, "Monopoly" players play best in the world

二零零九年九月八日下午四时四十分 At 16:40 on September 8th, 2009

(华盛顿8日综合电)“大富翁”玩得多,网上实景的“大富翁”,你玩过未? WASHINGTON (AP 8) "Monopoly" played with more, online Virtual's "Monopoly", you have not played? 出品“大富翁”的美国孩之宝(Hasbro)公司,破天荒与Google合作,将Google Maps当作棋盘,让玩家在全世界实景街道上进行买卖,玩起来别具真实感。 Production "Monopoly" in the United States Hasbro (Hasbro) Corporation, an unprecedented collaboration with Google, will Google Maps as a board, allowing the player on the streets in the world Virtual trading, playing with unique realism.

网上实景“大富翁”的玩法,加入不少新元素。 Online Virtual "Monopoly" games are played to add many new elements. 钱除了可买地盖房子,还可建摩天大厦、足球场等。 In addition to the money to buy land to build a house, but also to build skyscrapers, soccer pitches. 玩家一开始时有300万元身家,“幸运卡”和“机会卡”不时会弹出萤光幕,上面的指示很有趣,例如让你有权铲平对手的建筑物、在对手拥有的街道上建监狱或垃圾堆填区等。 Players start with a 3 million yuan net worth, "lucky cards" and "opportunity card" screen will pop up from time to time, the above instructions is very interesting, for example, you have the right opponents leveled buildings, streets in the opponent has a on the construction of prisons or landfill areas. 想买白宫前面的宾夕凡尼亚大道要200万元,租一间屋要5万元,租摩天大楼则要1亿元。 Want to buy the White House in front of Pennsylvania Avenue, needed 200 million to rent a house at 5 million, 100 million yuan will have to rent skyscrapers.

网上实景“大富翁”周三正式推出,免费任玩,但只可玩4个月,因为这只是孩之宝宣传新产品的活动。 Online Virtual "Monopoly" Wednesday officially launched, free to play, but only playable 4 months, because it is only Hasbro promote the new product activity.

相关照片 Related Photos

■ Google Maps棋盘。 ■ Google Maps chessboard.