Saturday, September 19, 2009

The terrorist leader is really dead this time have been wiped out Nordin

The terrorist leader is really dead this time have been wiped out Nordin

二零零九年九月十七日晚上八时 At 20 o'clock on September 17, 2009

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■ 印尼警方确认恐怖头目诺丁被打死。 ■ Indonesian police confirmed that the terrorist leaders were killed in Nottingham.

■ 印尼警方前往中爪哇梭罗一被疑为恐怖分子藏身之处,进行搜索。 ■ go to the Indonesian police in Central Java Solo, a suspected hiding place for terrorists to carry out search.

(雅加达17日综合电)印尼警察总长周四证实,马来西亚籍恐怖分子头目诺丁今日被打死。 JAKARTA, Indonesia (17 AP) Indonesia's police chief Thursday confirmed that Malaysian terrorist Noordin leaders today were killed.

据法新社称,印尼警察总长达努利在与总统苏西洛会晤后对记者证实,诺丁今早在与反恐部队的交火中被打死。 According to Agence France-Presse said that Indonesia's police chief with Danu Li told reporters after meeting President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono confirmed that Nottingham this morning with the anti-terrorism forces were killed in crossfire.

印尼反恐部队与包括诺丁在内的恐怖分子17日在爪哇岛中部索罗市发生激战,至少有4人被打死。 Indonesia's anti-terrorism forces and terrorists, including Noordin, including 17 in the central island of Java Solomon battle occurred in the city, at least four people were killed.

诺丁是东南亚恐怖组织“回教祈祷团”地区头目,身为炸弹专家的他也是印尼头号通缉犯。 Nottingham is a Southeast Asian terrorist organization "Jemaah Islamiyah" regional leader, as a bomb expert who is also Indonesia's most wanted man. 印尼警方怀疑他策划了印尼和东南亚地区多起恐怖爆炸事件。 Indonesian police suspect that he was planning in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, several terrorist bombings. 他也被指涉及今年7月雅加达豪华酒店爆炸案。 He also allegedly involved in this luxury hotel in Jakarta in July bombings.

印尼警方和反恐部队曾在8月初表示,在中爪哇省的一次反恐行动中击毙了诺丁,但经过DNA测试后承认当时射杀的是另外一名恐怖分子。 Indonesian police and anti-terrorism unit, said in early August in Central Java province killed an anti-terrorist operation in Nottingham, but after DNA tests to admit that the shot is another terrorist.

大马警方暂无法证实诺丁死讯 Malaysian police were unable to confirm the death of Noordin

另一方面,马来西亚全国总警长丹斯里慕沙哈山受访时指出,大马警方至今未接获印尼警方的正式通知,因此暂无法证实死者是否诺丁。 On the other hand, Malaysia, the country's total police chief Tan Sri Musa Hassan said in an interview, Malaysian police have not received formal notification from the Indonesian police and therefore were unable to confirm whether the deceased Nordin.

“我们(大马警方)仍在等待印尼警方的消息,因此目前未能向媒体发表任何意见。” "We (the Malaysian Police) are still waiting for news of the Indonesian police, so far failed to make any comments to the media."

亚洲头号通缉犯 Asia's most wanted man

2009年9月17日,印尼警察总长达努利证实,诺丁在与反恐部队的交火中被打死。 September 17, 2009, Indonesia's police chief Danu Li confirmed that Noordin with the anti-terrorism forces were killed in crossfire. 印尼反恐部队与包括诺丁在内的恐怖分子当天在爪哇岛中部索罗市发生激战,至少有4人被打死。 Indonesia's anti-terrorism forces and terrorists, including Noordin day, including the central island of Java, Solomon battle occurred in the city, at least four people were killed.

诺丁是马来西亚公民,2001年起侨居印尼。 Noordin is a Malaysian citizen, living in Indonesia since 2001. 他在一段2005年发布的影片中自称“基地”组织在东南亚的代表,并扬言将会策动针对西方人的袭击,以报复西方国家在阿富汗进行杀戮。 He was a film released in 2005 in the self-proclaimed "base" on behalf of the organization in Southeast Asia, and threatened to be instigated attacks against Westerners in retaliation for the killing in Afghanistan, the Western countries.

印尼警方怀疑他曾在印尼和东南亚地区制造多起恐怖爆炸案的“回教祈祷团”制造了对雅加达的万豪酒店和丽嘉酒店的连环爆炸恐怖事件,事件共造成9人死亡、50余人受伤,而诺丁正是“回祈团”首领。 Indonesian police suspect that he had manufactured in Indonesia and Southeast Asia more than a terrorist bombing, "Jemaah Islamiyah" manufacturing of Jakarta's Marriott Hotel and the Ritz-Carlton Hotel bombings terrorist incidents, events, leaving a total of nine people were killed and more than 50 people injury, while Noordin is "Jemaah Islamiyah" leaders.

制造多宗爆炸案 Create more explosion

此外,诺丁还涉嫌策划并参与了2002年和2005年的巴厘岛爆炸案、2003年的雅加达万豪酒店爆炸案和2004年的澳洲驻印尼大使馆爆炸案。 In addition, Noordin is also suspected of planning and participated in the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings, the 2003 Jakarta Marriott Hotel bombing and the 2004 Australian Embassy bombing.

印尼警方和反恐部队曾在今年8月初表示,在中爪哇省的一次反恐行动中击毙了诺丁,但经过DNA测试后承认当时射杀的并非头号恐怖头目诺丁,而是另外一名恐怖分子。 Indonesian police and anti-terrorism unit, said in early August this year, in Central Java province killed an anti-terrorist operation in Nottingham, but after DNA tests to admit that the shot is not the top terrorist leaders Nottingham, but also a terrorist molecule.

诺丁在2005年印尼巴厘岛爆炸案之后,成为亚洲头号通缉犯。 Nottingham in 2005, after the Bali bombing in Indonesia as Asia's most wanted man.

在柔佛州居銮出生 Born in Johor, Kluang

诺丁于1968年8月11日在柔佛州居銮出生,当过会计师。 Nottingham on August 11, 1968 born in Kluang in Johor, when the accountants. 他原本为回教祈祷团制造炸弹、掌管钱财和招兵买马,如今却据说已离开这个组织,另起炉灶。 He began as Jemaah Islamiyah bomb-making, in charge of money and raise an army, but now it is said to have left the organization, start all over again. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)指诺丁是“炸药专家”,身兼回祈团的“干部、招募人、炸弹制造者及培训员”。 U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that Nottingham is "explosives expert" Jemaah Islamiyah, who is also the "cadres, recruiting people, bomb makers and training of staff."

诺丁外号“财主”(Moneyman),善于招募武装分子,并且训练他们成为自杀式炸弹手,以及筹集经费展开恐怖袭击活动。 Nottingham known as "rich man" (Moneyman), good at recruiting militants and train them to become suicide bombers, as well as fund-raising launch terrorist attacks.

诺丁生性狡猾,化名很多,潜逃期间甚至还在印尼结婚。 Nottingham naturally cunning, alias many escaped or are still in Indonesia during the marriage. 马来西亚当局在美国911事件后,大逮捕大马回教极端组织的成员,诺丁于是化名阿卜杜尔拉兹曼奥菲。 Malaysian authorities in the United States 911 incident, arrest of Malaysia's Islamic extremist group, Noordin so pseudonym阿卜杜尔拉兹Manao Fei.

在印尼有3个妻子 There are three wives in Indonesia

诺丁的3个妻子都住在印尼。 Noordin's three wives were living in Indonesia.

今年7月17日雅加达两家豪华酒店发生大爆炸后,印尼警方根据反恐法令,7月24日在中爪哇的芝拉扎逮捕了诺丁的第三个妻子、25岁的印尼女子阿里娜。 July 17 this year, two luxury hotels in Jakarta after the big bang occurred, the Indonesian police under anti-terrorism law, July 24 Cilacap in central Java to the arrest of Noordin's third wife, 25-year-old Indonesian woman Ali Na . 阿里娜的律师告诉警方,她根本不知道诺丁的真名,以为他是宗教学校的老师阿卜杜尔,而且他们还有了2个孩子。 A Lina's lawyer told the police that she did not know Noordin's real name, thought he was religious school teacher Abdul, and they have 2 children.

不过阿里娜承认,丈夫因为在南苏拉威西的一间回教住宿学校教书,所以极少在家。 However, A Lina admitted that her husband because in the South Sulawesi an Islamic boarding schools to teach, so little at home. 阿里娜的律师说,在他们的住家7月初遭到警方突击搜查后,阿里娜曾前往雅加达寻求法律保护。 A Lina's lawyers said in their homes raided by police early in July, after A Lina went to Jakarta to seek legal protection.

阿里娜的父亲是芝拉扎的一名教士,诺丁逃到这里后,他不但为其提供庇护,还把自己的女儿嫁给他。 A Lina's father was a priest Cilacap, Noordin fled here, he will not only provide shelter and brought his daughter to marry him.

诺丁的另外两个妻子分别住在茂物和廖内省首府北乾巴鲁,据说他第一个妻子的兄弟穆罕默德莱斯,因为参与2003年雅加达万豪酒店大爆炸的案件,在2004年5月被判刑。 Noordin's other two wives were living in Bogor and the province of Riau's capital Pekanbaru, said that his first wife's brother, Mohammed Rice, because participation in 2003 Jakarta Marriott Hotel explosion of cases in 2004 years, was sentenced in May.

诺丁2004年6月在印尼与自己的第二个妻子芒菲雅敦结婚,芒菲雅敦接受过良好的教育,毕业于东爪哇一所大学的农业系。 Nottingham in June 2004 in Indonesia with his second wife, Mang Fei Yadui married, Mang Fei Yadui received a good education, graduated from the University of East Java, a Faculty of Agriculture. 次年6月,芒菲雅敦在知情不报的罪名下,被判坐牢。 The following year in June, Mang Fei Yadui in the withholding of crimes and sentenced to prison.

2006年1月,印尼警方指诺丁脱离回祈团,领导默默无闻的圣战基础恐怖组织(Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad)。 In January 2006, the Indonesian police that Noordin from the Jemaah Islamiyah, leading the basis of unknown jihadi terrorist organizations (Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad). 同年2月,美国联邦调查局把诺丁列入反恐战争通缉名单。 In the same year in February, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation to the list of Nottingham wanted to include the war on terror.

印尼与马驻印大使馆处理诺丁遗体事宜 Indian Embassy in Indonesia and Malaysia in dealing with matters relating to Noordin remains

(雅加达17日马新社电) 印尼警方将与马来西亚驻印尼大使馆协调以处理被击毙的大马籍恐怖分子诺丁的遗体事宜。 (Jakarta, 17 Bernama) Indonesian police will coordinate with the Malaysian Embassy in Indonesia to deal with the Malaysian nationals were killed in a terrorist Noordin's body issues.

“我们已经联络此间的马来西亚大使馆、(印尼)外交部及印尼驻马大使戴巴迪尔。”印尼警察总长达努利今日在此间向媒体发布这项消息。 "We have to contact the Malaysian embassy here, (Indonesia) and Indonesian Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dai Badeer." Indonesian police chief Danu Li to the media here today, this news release.

据了解,诺丁的遗体仍存放在警察医院以进行DNA验证,这项程序或须耗费30小时。 It is understood that Noordin remains are still kept in the police hospital for DNA verification, this procedure may be required to spend 30 hours. 而同时被击毙的其他恐怖分子的身份已被证实, 他们分别为:巴古斯布迪巴诺多,又名乌华、苏希洛,又名阿迪及阿里奥苏达索,又名阿基。 Was killed while the other has been confirmed the identity of the terrorists, they are as follows: Bagusibu Di Banuo more, also known as Wu Hua, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, also known as Adi, and Aliaosu Dassault, also known as A base. 另有一名在此次行动中受伤的孕妇,已证实是死者苏希洛的太太。 Another one was injured in the operation of the pregnant women, has proved to be the deceased's wife, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

达努利说,印尼警方在过去9年来都努力不懈地追查诺丁的下落,而他们也在此次行动中,在恐怖分子匿藏的屋内起获200公斤的爆炸物、16把莱福枪、一台电脑及一些文件。 Danu Li said that the Indonesian Police in the past nine years, all efforts to trace the whereabouts of Noordin, but they are also the operation, the terrorists hiding inside recovered 200 kilograms of explosives, 16 sniper rifles, a computer and some documents.